Among the developers, the Ozone group alone owes homebuyers a whopping Rs 93.6 crore in refunds. In February, forty five percent of properties in the worth category of Rs 25 – 50 lakhs making it the only Real Estate News largest class of property registered in Hyderabad. All real estate tasks registered since January 2023 in Maharashtra might be graded from April 2024, the MahaRERA said.
- All real estate initiatives registered since January 2023 in Maharashtra might be graded from April 2024, the MahaRERA said.
- Consumer behaviour is multifaceted and can shape the dynamics of the real estate market in profound ways.
- A midcentury-modern retreat in Palm Springs, a hillside house in wine country and a three-bedroom residence with a guesthouse and recording studio in Topanga.
- There is likely to be a continuation of that over the course of definitely the primary half of this year, as charges begin to return down globally and the pressures on pricing should begin to ease.